Letter from the Director of Alumni Relations
Dear Friends, Friends Seminary’s’ 238th school year is underway! Last month Friends welcomed a record 802 students to campus. Judging by...

Philanthropy at Friends
Colorado Native Makes Bequest Story by Rebecca Holmes Sybil Downing ‘47 (1930-2011), a prolific and acclaimed writer of historical...

Bringing About a World That Ought To Be | Sean Grande '87
Class of 1987 Friends alum and the “Voice of the Boston Celtics” reflects on his time at Friends and his career as a radio and television...

From the Archives
Friends Current Events Club 1943 A page out of the Class of 1943 yearbook, The Current Events Club was one of the eleven clubs that...

Class Notes
Class of 1956 Jed Davis ’56 and Director of Alumni Relations, Michael Mudho after a lovely dinner in Maine. As reported by Ed Carroll ’56...

School News
Friends campus is buzzing with activity! To view more photos of campus events, visit the School's website, and follow us on Facebook,...

Upcoming Events
Save the Date Teri Hassid Art of Teaching Lecture | Thursday, November 2, 2023 | Great Room 5:30 - 7PM God’s Love We Deliver Bag Making...

Request For Friends Memorabilia
Do you have a box of Friends newspapers? Old report cards? Photos? We are asking alumni to share with the School any appropriate Friends...